Show Triggers set to run automatically in Control Center (Just Gray them Out Since Handled by S+)
A user requested "Add 'Process Triggers' to Control Center in MyStratus" as a feature, but it was declined because Control Center automatically processes them via S+ Servers:
This makes sense, but I think there are two things to consider not addressed:
1) Bill may not want to wait for Control Center to immediately process a Trigger set to Auto. I realize he could set the trigger to manual temporarily, fire it, and then set back to Auto; however, that is a hassle, and I think the bigger concern is that really "Run Job" should be an option in Control Center so that any job, not just a Trigger set to auto, can be run on demand - there are instances where it's mission critical for a business to have something run instantly.
2) There's value in a Trigger that's been automated still showing in Control Center, particularly for verifying and stack tracing a workflow. I ran into this problem just now because I'm trying to automate an upload and notification workflow. When I go to Control Center because my next expected action is a Trigger set to run there automatically, it seems like I've missed a step when my workflow Trigger doesn't show in the Control Center. I can of course go to the logs (assuming it's been run), but that's really a pain to do. My suggestion is to showTriggers set to run automatically in the Control Center but just like grayed out with a reminder that these jobs are set to run automatically. Maybe grayed out doesn't make sense, though, because I still think it should be something you can execute. Really, you just want to make it clear you can't edit the Job here if it's a Trigger... so maybe make another text box separate for Triggers that when double clicked open the Trigger to edit just like the Control Center jobs open for editing when you double click them.
Mike Comer commented
I dug deeper to make sure I wasn't just ignorant of expected function. Also, there may be some configuration in my enterprise account throwing of Control Center. But it does seem that the Control Center used to allow Triggers to be run based on this KB section, which I think needs to be updated: It does note that for letters triggers, you still need to deal process them when set to auto because they require human intervention. IDK how letters when set to auto are now handled since Triggers aren't showing in Control Center when set to Auto (though, again, maybe that's just happening to me).