Make Bulk Image Importer Status Targetable
I can think of a million use cases for making the Session Status targetable (not just blind advance to next) with Bulk Image Import. The most important, though, I think is that it would facilitate multiple uploads to a single session over (think daily uploads to a multi-day event) because you could just set the target status on import to something like "Upload these Pictures to IBY Sesame," which can kick off an upload Control Center job that will result in a status something like "Pictures have been uploaded" that will probably trigger notification emails / SMS. If you want to keep adding images to the session but not have to make a million Statuses and concomitant jobs, then just target the "Upload these Pictures to IBY Sesame" for the next Bulk Impage Import, and instead of going to the next Status as is only option now, it'll just keep doing that loop until you stop uploading.