Make some way to easily report Pending Web Orders for Sessions with actual order invoices to eliminate false shopping carts
I just answered a client email, and she had a large pending web order followed by one from same day with maybe an increment of 1 or 2 for the order / invoice number. That client almost certainly didn't have a shopping cart she still wants to hold onto in my experience. IDK if those are done by the device or what, but I want to find a way to get rid of ~false positive ~abandoned carts from clients who have placed an order dated later than the earlier Pending Web Order that has yet to be ordered. I use shopping carts to read the breaks on horizon when closing up a sale... dont' want to have false hope. This is really common these days, so even if it can be done with a convoluted filter and elbow grease, I really just want an easy way to have an idea how much money might come in soon if people follow through (so maybe I call them, etc.).