Make Comparative Value, Cost, and Package Savings Calculator Functions for Packages
I'm an unabashed fan of cheesy sales tactics - they've helped me persevere through 18 years of professional photography. "Compare at $500 Value!" may be the infomercialest sales tactic of them all, but you can tell me that when I'm playing with my grandkids and actually retired rather than still doing Santa at 70 years old.
Right now, I'm making a spreadsheet that shows my packages, what my retail (20% inflated so I can run a 20% off sale and get people to actually order their dang pictures), 20% off "sale" price (what I'm actually willing to accept), my actual production cost, and a comparative value amount. The last two Stratus could easily calculate and save me a lot of hassle: just add the lab cost and retail value of package items and show them to me. If you wanted to get fancy, on the the cost side at least you could add room for a line item in case there is some additional cost to assembling, etc. the package (maybe you have special packaging you use for presentation?) that would not be incurred if the items were ordered in isolation.
You want to know just how salesy I am? Alongside the comparative value calculator, I'd also make a "Package Savings" calculator (just remembered to add to my spreadsheet) so that I can use ~"$123 Package Savings" in my product descriptions. Spend to save just sells, think what you may of it.