Allow the use of filters when setting up triggers, in order to give much more flexibility to target exactly who you want to communicate with
Mike Comer commented
I think this would be solved by making filters in general capable of being compounded, which I'm about to suggest... just doing legwork here. So far as I can tell, filters can only be for one vertical, Client OR Session, etc. To isolate clients of a certain group who have not placed an order, I want to first isolate clients in a specific group then (here's the *and*) further isolate those by filtering for ones with Invoices of a certain type/status/etc. Use case is I want to message only those clients in a group who haven't ordered yet. I know that's simplistic "haven't ordered yet" - ordered what?, but that's moot: the big issue isn't the specific technical details of one instance. To really function, teh conditional logic needs to move beyond the bounds of one vertical.
Matt Newman commented
- booking confirmation and sesssion confirmation for a specific session type, as session types might have different requirements or be for different client types (17 year old student, 37 year old business portrait)
- booking confirmation by resource, as we might want to give them different instructions based on what location they are reporting to.
- yearbook deadline notification by organization, grad year. We currently send out triggered reminders based on client status date, but we have to "game it" to make that happen. Would be more straight forward to trigger by organization yearbook deadline.These are a just a few. But the common thread (for us) would be accessing Client and Session record details (organization, grad year, session type, session date) to drive automated emails that are more targeted to the recipient, rather than listing all possible information for all possible client types.
Before we can begin working on this feature, we still need to receive some practical examples of filters that you would like to use when setting up a trigger. Please post here. Thanks.
Please give us some examples of filters that you would like to use when setting up a trigger. Thanks.
Nancy commented
Agree with all the comments below! Hopefully something that is rolled out soon.
Nancy commented
To have this functionality would make things a whole lot easier...
Nicol commented
This is something that would help incredibly with follow up communication. Definitely a capability that should exist.
glenn commented
Please add this it would be a huge help.