Dashboard needs 'Average Total Sales per Session' to get the true average sales.
Daily you need to measure numbers and in my studio I sometime get multiple orders per portrait session. It would great to measure 'Average Total Sales per Session' straight away or at the end of the day rather than waiting to when you change Session Status to final. I need live averages straight away on the dashboard so I can direct staff now not later. Currently you can only see the 'Average Initial order' on the dashboard which only shows the first initial order.
We’re going to remove this suggestion for now, until we have more information why the current functionality is not sufficient. Please see our previous comment on this post. Thank you for your continual input!
Mike Comer commented
Tapping in here because I think Sales by Session Type is needed (use case is volume where Session Type is a meaningful unit - and I realize Organizations can be used, but my specific case was recommended at onboarding), and I think both final accuracy and photographers' need to have live reporting could be solved by simply adding checkbox options to reporting to ignore session closed and $0 sales. In my use case, the Session Type average would be the house built upon the foundation of these numbers, so how that foundation is built matters a lot. I agree with the need to be able to see a live average (think: during a sale I'm running) just for those orders placed so far ignoring people who have not. Concerning people who have not: I posted earlier about needing a metric "Sessions with an Initial Sale" not just without one to be able to make a report that can calculate buy through percent at the current point in a sale, something I want to monitor on a live basis so I can gauge need for additional sales pings to move numbers. I would couple the live average (ignores $0 and session closed status, the latter I'm OK with small initial order that will be followed because until it arrives, it's not for real) with the buy through percentage to monitor how I'm doing. You could make the statistical case of throwing out high and low values if you really want to get fancy, which (ignoring the $0 case) could address a low initial order that'll be followed up and also a big spender. But I don't think it's necessary.
Bottom line: I see the need for complete reporting accuracy, but it's really only a post-mortem using existing reporting as I understand it. And that is why current functionality isn't meeting the boots-on-the-ground need. Since even two checkboxes for "ignore $0 orders" and "include non-closed orders" makes four permutations if you have to hard code reports (1,0 - 1,1 - 0,1 - 0,0), this seems like something would be configured dynamically (i.e. by the user, not a custom-generated report) or at least put on a menu of custom reports (23 people voted for this and several commented) that people could choose to import if they find useful. My guess is that there would be photographers who for whatever reason wanted all four permutations once the pool of users is large enough. I figure might as well let them suit themselves and cut off more requests for dev.
Anonymous commented
We are looking to have the average sales figure that is connected to a specific session. This way we can know what the sales trends are per specific type of session.
It would be helpful for us to better understand your requirements here. Spectra/Stratus already has the be ability to report 'Average Total Sales Per Session'. Help us understand why this feature is not sufficient enough for you.
FYI, the reason that we require that the session be 'closed' before it is reported in your averages is for accuracy. For example, if you have a session that has been shot, but the client has not ordered yet, then this session will drive down your sales average. Or, if a clients places a small order right away, but are coming back next week with their spouse to place a larger order, then their average will change. Somehow, we need to know for each session that it is complete and is now ready to be included in your Sales Averages. Otherwise, your Averages will not be accurate, and will always be changing on you. Make sense?
Anonymous commented
Yes! I totally agree. Right now I am doing this quarterly manually in Excel. This needs to be in the dashboard!
Michael Stone commented
I agree with Eric and the original poster. Average order information is crucial to tracking my business.
Eric Leszkowicz commented
It also important that this ignores whether a session is closed or not. I don't want users who fail to close sessions skewing report results.
Would LOVE to see this implemented.