Clients can pay by credit card by link. Similar to Quickbooks payments. You send the invoice and they click a link securely to pay.
Clients can pay by credit card by link. Similar to Quickbooks payments. You send the invoice and they click a link securely to pay.
Our 2019 Release is officially out and includes this supported feature! Click here to view our Blog Post for the release:
Kelly commented
I'm stunned at all the things Studio+ can do, that I don't even use, this is a must! I've been utilizing other software for this and it would be so much easier to use my POS
Jesse Starr commented
Woah, didn't realize this wasn't possible. Never experienced a studio management software that couldn't take web payments. Please implement this ASAP.
Trey commented
This would make things much easier! Playing phone-tag to get a credit card number seems amateurish.
Anonymous commented
I would also vote 10 million times for this one!!!!!
Anonymous commented
This would be a game changer especially for Corporate Clients. I would love for this to get a high priority!! Since almost everyone is on the same credit card processor I would think it would be fairly easy to integrate. Thanks for your consideration!
Roger Ele commented
It is a shame to have to tell clients to pay us by Paypal when we use Cayan through myStratus! :(
Vanessa commented
Yes! PLEASE do this. Other programs designed for smaller studios have this capability, why doesn't this big fancy program allow us to do this???
Bob Lubell commented
We are near 80% credit card payments