Add Session Participants/Relationships into the Online Session Booking process.
Adding Session Participants/Relationships into the Online Session Booking process would prevent staff having to collate and enter later. A great time saver!
Mike Comer commented
I'd add Session Clients for Reference as well
Ahmed Ismail commented
This could be accomplished if Stratus had mappable webform links for a certain number of relationships. Then, when shown on the webform the infomration would be pre-loaded from your database and the client could update it if needed.
Bob Lubell commented
So important. We are often embarrassed not knowing the names.
Sherry Johnson commented
Apply this to a SESSION... especially when booking children.. PhotoOne use to automatically pull in all relationships to a session then you could delete those not applicable... but honestly it's helpful to see everyone's name before hand even if the session is NOT for Suzy it's good to know she is the big sister to Tommy etc...