Time slots -When one online time slot is scheduled, disable other Time slots in that same time frame
We offer several different session types, in a range of time frames. It would be helpful if, for example, once a session is booked for the 3:00-4:00 hour, all other time slots for that resource in that time frame could be disabled, instead of automatically allowing the conflict. The fact that this is not an option currently makes it impossible for us to allow two of our session types to be booked online.
Ahmed Ismail commented
I am a bit confused by this post. We (as I believe most photo studios) have different session types with different durations. It was my understanding that the way this was handled in Stratus is that you set up different time slots (30, 60, 90 minute) for the entire day and indicate which session types can be booked in those opening when you are bulk creating those session slots, and that if an appointment for say 1pm-2pm was booked, the calendar for that user would automatically disable any 30 or 90 minute sessions for the same user for that time period. Is that not the case?
Samuel Kingsley commented
I concur. The current state of the time slots makes it extremely difficult to schedule smart when you have sessions that are different lengths of time.