Multilingual Online Booking
It would very professional to have an online booking in our own language (Dutch in my case).
I would be happy to translate everything in Dutch.
We already supported English, French, German, and Spanish. In version 2020, we have added support for Dutch, Danish, Italian, Swedish, and Norwegian.
The way this works is that we use your Locale setting from your company settings as the default online booking translation. We also give you the option to override that in the URL. e.g. if you want myStratus Desktop to display text in english, but online booking to display in another language, you could use this for your online booking URL:
Note: you should use the 2 digit country codes in column 639-1 here:
If you encounter any text that is not translated or any translations that are wrong, please email with a screenshot of the page and what the translated text should be.