Allow for export of portions of data: groups, fields, etc. · declined
Reports to show more then 2 years of data
Add more customization for IBY and make it responsive. · completed
Add a 'push data' option to Mobile App - needs to sync to database more quickly
Verify client data for existing accounts in online booking.
Ability to individually customise font formatting in notes to highlight important data (colour, size weight etc per line)
Implement Variable data for text fields in the digital template builder
After hours SMS/Text response
Remove formatting rules from data entry fields · completed
Create HTML and form letter merge tags for IBY login username and password · completed
Communication problem with texts and emails-responses go to wrong client.
Add the ability to set the SMS and Lead Source fields in web forms
Can a response to a text be sent back to us company wide and not just to the user that sent the text.
Acuity - myStratus Integration
Ability to view data when internet is offline
make webforms responsive
A couple of extra custom fields · completed
Make scheduled communications dynamic
Link Organization data to Online Booking · completed
Trigger for incoming SMS messages